It ain't much, but it's honest work


A collection of components and tools for desktop applications. A project consisting of code written over the years. If you navigate the code, you'll see a lot of Object Oriented code, making use of things like polymorphism and custom, complex data structures. Written in AS3 with the Harman AIR compiler.

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An app for mapping and locating assets and locations within corporate buildings. Originally I wrote this app in Angular and typescript for my job to help people navigate the offices easier (we were updating maps manually with Visio everytime someone joined or left!). I ended up liking it so much that I went ahead and started the open source version in a faster development language (as in faster to develop, not performance). It's coming along; I had to manually create a Map data structure since it doesn't exist in AS3, but it was worth the effort. Anyway, go check it out!

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You're looking at it! I created this website some time ago, but stopped pushing commits for a while to focus on campus maps desktop. You can check out the code on my github.